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How to Tightly Secure Cord and Bead Chain Loops

June 1, 2024

One big part of keeping kids safer around blinds is being sure that all looped cords and bead chains are tied down securely. Lots of different types of blinds operate with a loop of cord or bead chain. You may have cellular or honeycomb shades, Roman or woven wood shades, sheer shades, roller or zebra shades, or even vertical blinds or a traverse rod in your home that operate with a cord or bead chain loop. Securing the loops can make these types of blinds safer for our kids.

Roller shades like this are common blinds that operate with bead chain loops.

Securely Restrain Loops

Install Tension Devices

Securing loops tightly to the wall or floor is important because loops that are free-hanging pose a strangulation risk to kids. Attach all cord and bead chains loops to the wall or floor using tension devices. Some tension devices will make your blind stop working correctly if they come loose from their mounting location. The tension device will lock onto the loop. Then, when the loop is moved to raise or lower the blind, the tension device will block the movement of the blind. To correct this, the tensioner will have to be re-mounted securely to the wall or floor.

Use the Right Fasteners

Each tension devices needs to be installed with the appropriate fasteners and anchors for the mounting surface. Drywall, wood, metal, plaster, and concrete all require different fasteners and/or anchors. Wood screws are included with all tension devices that Fix My Blinds sells, but if you need a different type of screw or anchor, please visit your local hardware store. Keeping the device installed properly will ensure that your blind operates completely.

There are a variety of anchors and fasteners for different mounting surfaces. Use the right anchor and fastener for your application.

Find the Proper Tension

The tensioner is designed to hold the cord or bead chain loop down close against the wall, window frame or trim. It should hold tightly but offer enough slack to operate the blind correctly and smoothly. If there is too much slack, the loop is still an entanglement risk. However, if the tension device is too tight, it can cause the loop to break prematurely. You have to find the sweet spot of being secure while operating smoothly.

Loops should be tight, but allow for the proper operation of your blind..

Shorten Loops

Another way to you can make loop operated blinds safer for kids is to install a shorter cord or bead chain loop. Your blind will still operate completely, but the loop will be higher and harder to reach for kids. Shorter loops still need a properly installed compliant tension device.

Final Tips

Keeping loops tied down tightly and mounting tension devices firmly with proper fasteners go a long way toward keeping our kids safe from dangling cord and bead chain loops in our homes. Visit the Window Covering Safety Council website for more information and resources.