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How to Install a Duette Breakaway Condenser with Chain Crimps

Video ID: 401042


Duette breakaway condensers can be used on cellular honeycomb and pleated shades to combine two lift cords into one easy to grab pull cord. This guide covers how to install a Duette breakaway condenser using chain crimps. This condenser works with strings that are 0.9mm or 1.2mm in diameter and is commonly seen on Hunter Douglas, Alta, Comfortex and M&B brands of honeycomb shades.

A Note on Safety

Kids can strangle in blind cords. To make your blinds safer for kids, keep cords out of reach and secure cord and bead chain loops. To learn more, please visit our child safety guide.

Tools Needed

Needle Nose Pliers

Step 1 – Insert the lift stings into each side of the condenser.

  • For child safety purposes, install this condenser within three inches of the cord lock mechanism when the blind is fully lowered.
  • Makes sure the strings are cut evenly.
  • With the condenser split into two halves, slide one lift string into the hole on each half of the condenser.
  • Use pliers to attach a metal crimp to the bottom of each string once it is through the hole on the top of the condenser.

Step 2 – Attach the pull cord.

Step 3 – Snap both sides of the condenser together.