Video ID: 201002
How to Restring a Continuous Loop Operated Woven Wood Shade
These instructions demonstrate how to restring a woven wood shade with a clutch lifting system. You may need to restring your shade if your strings are broken or damaged.
A Note on Safety
Kids can strangle in blind cords. To make your blinds safer for kids, keep cords out of reach and secure cord and bead chain loops. To learn more, please visit our child safety guide.
Tools Needed


Tape Measure
Parts Needed
Step 1 – Measure the length from the control rod to the lowest place where the string attaches on the back of the shade.

- Add an additional 3” to your measurement.
- Cut all of the strings you will need to repair.
- Be sure to cut your strings to the exact same length.
Step 2 – Lift the valance up and unscrew the wing nuts on the underside of the headrail.

- Remove your shade from the window, and lay on a flat surface.
- Cut off the existing lift strings.
- Take note of how the cord is wound on the rod and fed through the shade.
Step 3 – Remove all old strings from the control rod.

- Feed the new cord to the bottom ring and tie a knot.
- Feed the cord through the guides and the grommet at the top of the shade.
Step 4 – Feed the cord through the guide by the rod.

Step 5 – Tie a knot 1” from the end of the cord.

- Attach the knot to the retainer and apply the same process to both sides.
- Clip the retainer back onto the control rod.
- Repeat the process for all of the lifting strings.
Step 6 – Rehang the shade in the window.

- If your shade is heavy or wide, you may need help from another person to rehang it.
- Reattach wing-nuts on all brackets.
Step 7 – Roll the shade up and down, checking for evenness.

- If your shade is not even, move the retainer clip on the control rod to adjust.
- If your shade is still not even, remove the string knots and readjust.