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How to Restring an RV Day Night Shade

Video ID: 221001


The strings or components of your RV Day/Night Shade may become damaged, which could result in your need to restring your shade. Instead of replacing the shade you can follow these instructions to get your shade as good as new!

A Note on Safety

Kids can strangle in blind cords. To make your blinds safer for kids, keep cords out of reach and secure cord and bead chain loops. To learn more, please visit our child safety guide.

Tools Needed

Phillips Screwdriver
Flat-head Screwdriver
Tape Measure
Rubber Bands

Step 1 – Once the shade is removed from its mounting position, compress the fabric folds together. Secure it with rubber bands, and remove the cord retainers.

Step 2 – Lay the shade on a flat surface.

Step 3 – Remove the screw and string from the cord retainers.

Step 4 – Remove all of the end caps, and set them aside.

  • Be sure to remove any string that may be attached to the end caps on your shade.

Step 5 – Remove any mounting screws attached to your shade.

Step 6 – Remove the rubber bands from the shade and slide the bottom rail off.

Step 7 – Remove any cord guides or grommets from the top rail, and slide the rail off. Some shades may have rivets connecting the rail and the fabric. If needed, drill out the rivets so the rail can be removed.

Step 8 – Cut and remove the strings off of the spring(s).

Step 9 – Pull all of the strings out of the shade and discard.

Step 10 – Measure the amount of string you will need for your repair.

  • Two and a half times the width, plus the height, times the number of lift strings will give you the total amount of string needed to restring your shade.

Step 11 – Cut all of the strings needed for your repair.

Step 12 – In this demonstration, we will restring a blind that has two strings. Your blind may contain more.

Step 13 – Slide the bottom fabric off of the middle rail.

Step 14 – Attach a string to each side of the spring using a double knot.

Step 15 – Thread the folded end of the wire restring tool through the middle rail and the top fabric.

Step 16 – Place the string in the eye of the tool and pull it through.

  • Repeat for the other string.

Step 17 – Cross the strings on the bottom part of the middle rail channel.

Step 18 – Slide the bottom fabric onto the bottom of the middle rail.

Step 19 – Thread the folded end of the wire restring tool through the bottom fabric.

Step 20 – Place the string through the eye of the tool and pull through.

  • Repeat for the other string.

Step 21 – Cross the strings along the bottom of the bottom fabric.

  • Make sure the strings are seated in the middle channel.

Step 22 – Carefully slide the bottom rail on.

  • Make sure the strings remain in the middle channel.

Step 23 – Slide the top rail on.

  • Make sure the strings and the spring remain in the middle channel.

Step 24 – Replace the end caps on the top and middle rails.

Step 25 – Thread the string through the bottom rail end caps, and replace the end caps.

Step 26 – Replace any top rail guides for the mounting screws.

Step 27 – Thread the cord retainers.

Step 28 – Secure the shade with rubber bands, and remount it.

Step 29 – Reattach the cord retainers to their mounting locations, but do not tighten them all the way.

Step 30 – Shorten the strings at the cord retainer. Leave one inch of slack.

Step 31 – Remove the rubber bands and guide the shade down all of the way.

Step 32 – Turn the left cord retainer counterclockwise until all of the slack is removed from the string.

  • Tighten the screw after turning the cord retainer, and removing all the slack.

Step 33 – Turn the right cord retainer clockwise until all of the slack is removed from the string.

  • Tighten the screw after turning the cord retainer, and removing all the slack.

Step 34 – Test the shade.

  • If there’s too much slack, tighten the cord retainers alternatively a half inch turn each until the desired tension is reached.
  • Do not over tighten. It will cause the string to wear prematurely.


2 String RV Day/Night Shade Diagram:

This diagram shows the string path for a 2-string RV Day / Night Shade.

3 String RV Day/Night Shade Diagram:

This diagram shows the string path for a 3-string RV Day / Night Shade.

4 String RV Day/Night Shade Diagram:

  • The first diagram shows a 4-string shade with one spring centered in the headrail.
  • The second diagram shows a 4-string shade with two springs centered in the headrail.
  • The third diagram shows a 4-string shade with two springs at opposite ends in the headrail.

2 String RV Night Shade Diagram:

This diagram shows the string path for a 2-string RV Night Shade.